

Bringing Quality Coffee To Consumers For Over Four Decades
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Premium Beans • Freshly Roasted Locally

The Best Coffee

Coffee Bean

quality Beans

We QC Every Batch 

Coffee Bean

freshly roasted

Beans Are Roasted Locally

Coffee Bean

ready to drink

Convenient: Grounds & Sachets

Our Coffee

Comes in Different Blends & Varieties To Cater
To Coffee Lovers Like Yourself

We Believe That
A Cup Of Aromatic & Tasty Coffee
Has The Right Magic To Kick Start Your Day
— On A Good Note! 😉

Gold Beverage Cover Products

Beverage Types



Good Beans, Good Coffee!

Where Do Coffee Beans Come From?

Coffee beans are actually seeds from the fruit of coffee trees! These red or purple fruits are called coffee cherries or berries. Usually, two oval-shaped beans can be found in one cherry. The beans are processed, graded, exported, and roasted before they end up as one of the most important ingredients in your brew.

How Do We Source Our Green/Raw Coffee Beans?

We source our beans from suppliers whom we trust. Before making our purchase, every batch of green coffee beans is first sampled and deemed to be of good quality.

Our Nanyang Coffee

Our Nanyang coffee blends consist of coffee beans that are roasted with sugar, margarine, and salt. This is the age-old recipe for roasting traditional Nanyang coffee beans.

We have 3 different blends of Nanyang coffee for customers to choose from. Kopitiam, Premium, and House Blend! For those who would like to try all of them, we offer them in a Nanyang coffee taster pack!

Our Arabica Coffee

We currently sell 2 types of arabica coffee: Colombia and Mandheling (a.k.a. Mandailing).

Colombia arabica is most definitely a crowd favourite when it comes to arabica beans. It is aromatic and has pleasant tasting notes, such as chocolatey, nutty, and even caramel sweetness. You absolutely cannot go wrong gifting this to your family and friends!

Our Colombia arabica is graded 100% supremo. This means that they are the largest type of Colombian coffee beans and are of high quality!

Mandheling arabica is another type of arabica coffee that holds its own in the arabica lineup. Whilst Colombia arabica appeals to one who would enjoy a colourful-tasting cuppa coffee, Mandheling arabica draws those seeking smoky, woody, and spice tasting notes.

Our Sumatrian mandheling arabica is graded as Grade 1. This means that they are of the highest quality.

As with our Nanyang coffee blends, we too offer duo and trio arabica taster packs in order to allow our customers to try the above two types of arabicas.


Our Liberica Coffee (Batu)

Liberica coffee is one of the rarest types of coffee, accounting for less than 1.5% of commercially-grown coffee worldwide! It is also known as Batu.

At one point in history, arabicas worldwide were affected by a disease called coffee rust. Liberica were hardier and thus were the species of choice for cultivators.

However, the cultivation of arabicas rebounded, and liberica started to lose its shine (arabicas being the all-time favourite). Today, some people try to spread awareness about them to protect libericas from extinction.

Tasting Notes: Smoky, Fruity, Subtle Jackfruit Taste, Citrusy, Nutty, Sweet, and Floral

Its complex tasting notes ensure that it carries well even in milk-based coffees (or milk substitutes)!

Try Liberica Coffee for yourself — you might just fall in love with it!

Nanyang Coffee
café coffee

Our Story

Gold Beverage was established in 2013.

Our Founder comes from a family with over 4 decades of experience in the coffee business.

Armed with the knowledge and passion for coffee, he decided to pursue
a career in this industry.

Over the years, we have toiled, learnt, and grown much! Today, we supply
coffee and black tea to numerous local businesses, coffee shops, cafés,
residential homes, and internationally!

Our Media Coverage

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